Food Toxicology APP now on google play store
Download Food Toxicology App from Google Play!
In this app we focus on providing knowledge in the field of food science and technology. This app specifically provides knowledge on food toxicology. This App will help you to be knowledgeable and know which foods can easily be contaminated with what toxins. It is intended for all who desire to be knowledgeable about food intoxications and toxico-infections. This app is brought to you by eResearcher and The Safe Food at
eResearcher is a consultancy firm that is committed to enhancing delivery of knowledge and research in institutions of higher education. Out target are the young learners and researchers who are interested in support services to advance their learning or research. We make their research work smooth by offering support on data collection, analysis and interpretation among other services. We also design and deploy learning resources that enhance the learning process for the students. This app is one of those resources.
Download Food Toxicology App from Google Play!
The Safe Food is an educational platform that focuses on providing knowledge on food quality and safety. It is made up of a group of food science experts with a vast knowledge on food science and technology. We offer consultancy services on food quality and safety including quality and safety management systems, food value addition and product development and food preservation. One of our goals is to enhance and participate in research in the area of food science with an aim to enhance food and nutrition security around the world. This platform also gives you an opportunity to ask and get answers from our team of experts and the eR community.
Enjoy the app and always give us feedback!